14 Maart 2005
Ek het verneem van
hierdie terapie en het besluit om dit te probeer. Soos ek voorheen gesĂȘ het, ek
probeer alles - elke moontlike ding wat ek kan - om dit vir Henru beter te
maak. Werk dit, is dit goed, werk dit nie, dan het ek ten minste probeer. Dit
het R4000 gekos om die kursus vir die week te gaan doen en dan nog die vervoer
elke dag heen en weer. Roselinah het ook saamgegaan sodat sy kon leer en Ilze
van die skool het haar dogtertjie ook saamgeneem. Hulle het Henru evalueer en
gesĂȘ dit kan werk.
Die vrou Linda
Scotson, kom van Engeland af wie dit aanbied en het self dit op haar gestremde
seun gedoen en met welslae volgens haar dit gebruik. Die kind is beter as wat
hy was. Dit gaan oor asemhaling en stimulasie van die diafragma.
Ons het die hele week
die kursus bygewoon en die tegniek geleer en begin om dit op Henru toe te pas.
Soos en wanneer ek kans gekry het, het ek dit self gedoen en Roselinah en Ilze
het dit elke dag by die skool gedoen, maar daar was nie 'n verbetering wat ek
kon waarneem nie.
Ons het dit volgehou
tot die einde van die jaar en daarna het ek besluit om dit te staak aangesien
daar niks gebeur nie. Ek kon absoluut geen verskil hoegenaamd agterkom nie. Ek
kraak dit nie af nie, want daar is kinders wat voordeel getrek het en wie beter
geword het, dit het net nie vir Henru gewerk nie.
What is it? When Linda Scotson's son, Doran was three days old she was told he
was incurably brain injured and would be able to do nothing. She decided
After exploring
every hopeful avenue, Doran seemed little better. Linda saw that existing
therapies relied on managing a child to use alternative muscles not the
restoration of the right muscles. As children grew, this poor foundation caused
increasing stress and collapsed under them. She began to believe that the
answer lay in a principal that also applied to normal development and she set about
the adventure of finding that answer!
Modern medicine
often sees the answer in some chemical fix for the symptoms. Linda knew that
she wanted to deal with the actual cause at a more natural level. As a loving
mother with total understanding of the problem, she had a unique qualification
before she even began her studies at University College, London.
Every brain
-injured child Linda met had a problem breathing so Linda decided to focus her
PhD research on the respiratory system. Her work showed that all neurological
problems led to deep respiratory problems.
Moreover, without
normal respiratory mechanics, metabolic recovery in the brain was impossible.
Linda's extensive research and dedication led to the development of The Scotson
Technique which, without the use of drugs or invasive therapy, proved the
abnormalities associated with brain injury could potentially be reversed.
Recovery was possible.
The real miracle of
this carefully measured progress was that it was predictable and worked with
ALL children. The unique, gentle, deeply restorative therapy, gradually
transformed the lives of the children and their families.
Thanks to Linda's
passion and determination to find a better way of living for her son and others
like him, the Advance institute for The Scotson Technique has now helped
families worldwide and can help you Advance your child.
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